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You can submit an entry for any of the symposium components as relevant: Panel Sessions, Poster Presentations and/or Photography Competition. Please use your unique code generated during registration in every entry.


1. Abstract Submission for Panel Sessions:


  • Please register to submit an entry. Abstracts will not be accepted without registration and payment of participation fees (one payment per entry).

  • The abstract submission is required to be made as per the given as a single MS Word file. Please download the template before opening them.

  • Part 1 must comprise the participant’s personal and practice profile in not more than 200 words. The file must be named as: “Abstract Part 1_Unique Code”

  • Part 2 must give a brief idea of the symposium concerns through participants’ personal and professional experiences in not more than 300 words. The file must be named as: “Abstract Part 2_Unique Code”

  • There may be only one individual who presents ideas on behalf of their colleagues/ co-authors.

  • Abstracts will be acceptable in the English language only.

  • Abstracts must indicate the name of the panel session under which the submissions are being made. 

  • The Internal Committee holds the right to decide on the final selection.

  • Participants will receive an email notification about receipt of submission within a week after the submission deadline. 

  • Submission, once uploaded, will be final.


2. Poster Submission:

  • Please refer to the website for details of the poster content. 

  • Please register on the following to submit an entry. Posters will not be accepted without registration and payment of participation fees (one payment per entry).

  • Please submit the poster as per one of the given                 

  • Please download the templates before opening them.

  • Only 1 poster can be submitted per participant.

  • The resolution of images must be 300 dpi.

  • Submission must be in PDF format only. File size should not exceed 5MB for both A1 and A2 format.

  • The file must be named as: “Poster_Size_Unique Code”.


3. Photography Competition:

  • The photography competition is open to all. Please refer to the website for details of the competition themes. 

  • Please register on the following        to submit an entry. Photographs will not be accepted without registration and payment of participation fees (one payment per entry).

  • Maximum 2 photographs can be submitted per participant as one entry.

  • Please submit the photograph(s) as per one of the given                    Please download the templates before opening them.

  • The resolution of images must be 300 dpi.

  • Please do not use any other font than those specified in the templates. You can also download the fonts along with the template.

  • Submission must be in PDF format only. Each photograph should be submitted as a separate file. File size should not exceed 5MB.

  • The file must be named as: “Photo_Unique Code_Photo No.”.

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